Sponsor a Gold Star Family's Travel Related Expenses image

Sponsor a Gold Star Family's Travel Related Expenses

CJHF provides an all expense paid week for Gold Star Family members. There are three guest rooms that can accommodate 3 Families for a total of up to16 individuals each week. Learn more - scroll down.

$1,350 raised

$300,000 goal

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Today, You Can Make a Difference. Thank you

Your donation is designated only for air and travel related expenses, food and recreation for the Families.

CJHF creates community for the Families of our Fallen Heroes, connecting them to each other and providing a space for them to come together, share and rebuild.

Each week, three Gold Star Families will be invited to participate in a six-day visit at Captain Joseph House at no cost to the Families. The House provides a safe and peaceful environment where new friendships can take root and Families can draw strength from each other. It will allow Family members to connect on a more personal level with others on a similar journey in a home-away-from home setting.

Equally important, Captain Joseph House will create a community for Gold Star Families, developing lasting bonds among participating Families. We will keep in touch with Families at specific intervals following their respite week and facilitate connections between other Families participating at Captain Joseph House.

The very existence of Captain Joseph House also sends a message to Gold Star Families that their fellow citizens acknowledge and honor their loss and the sacrifice their loved one made for our Country.